Friday, February 6, 2009

Officially Signing Off

I'm sure whoever out there even still checks my blog, will be happy to know I am officially quitting blogging! Lets face it....just one less blog you have to spend time checking out. Obviously, I've never been that into it like everyone else. It's just too time consuming to not only keep up on my own blog, but then you feel like you HAVE to check everyone else's (even wondering off to people's blog you don't even know!!) One of my New Years's resolutions is to be more productive w/ my time, and this is an easy way! So, thanks to those of you who hung in there w/ me for a while!


Annie said...

You're breaking me heart but I do think you'll be avoiding much wasted time. Put it to good use entertaining and teaching your precious children.

Carol said...

My girls and I will miss reading your blog. Thank heavens you only live 30 minutes away!

Jamie Jo said...

Yes, it is better to not blog at all then to blog every six to eight weeks.

Lee said...

I'll miss reading your posts, but I totally agree with you. I don't know how young mothers do it. Something's getting neglected. Kudos to you for bowing out.

Aimee's Family Journal said...

Well that is freaking LAME! I am the not supportive friend. I have really loved checking out your family every few months/weeks! Good luck with being more productive. I get it and all, but I don't like it! =0)